Sunday, 6 January 2008

Selling Sheffield

Sheffield City Council has a Tourist Information section and on the council's website this is how they introduce our city:-

Sheffield is a great place to be…you’ll soon realise why we’re so proud of our city. We just love it.

What’s more, we’re pretty sure you will too. Electrifying entertainment, exciting events and astounding attractions are bound to get you hooked.

Or maybe you’ll fall for our parks and woodlands. After all, we’re five miles from the glorious scenery of the Peak National Park.

You’re certain to find something to tempt you here in Sheffield…even if it’s just the warm Yorkshire welcome…

On a new Word page, copy and paste the piece before commenting upon the writer's use of language. Bring out THREE different points and back up your remarks with evidence.

After that you please go to the Sheffield City Council website and explore the next three parts of the Tourist Information section - Attractions, Events, City Breaks. Click on the Council logo below:-


In Attractions, Events and City Breaks find three or four examples of words or phrases that have been selected by the writer to PERSUADE people to visit Sheffield. Give a clear reason for each of your choices. In what way is the word or phrase persuasive? Do this on your Word page.